Reservation deposits


Blog tagged as Reservation deposits

At Which Step of the Property Purchasing Procedure is it Most Beneficial to check for the Most Commonly Occurring Risks ?

At Which Step of the Property Purchasing Procedure is it Most Beneficial to check for the Most Commonly Occurring Risks ?

By mytapu webmaster

… Secrets of Success: The Four Stages for Buyers Investing in Residential Real Estate Property in Turkey: Keys steps within Stage 2 of the Property Finding Procedure…
18.12.23 03:23 PM - Comment(s)
‘Reservation Deposits’ for Property Purchases in Turkey….

‘Reservation Deposits’ for Property Purchases in Turkey….

By mytapu webmaster

Reasons why a buyer should never pay a reservation deposit for a property in Turkey...
15.10.23 01:19 PM - Comment(s)
How to Reduce ‘Rip-Off’ Risks Buying Property in Turkey

How to Reduce ‘Rip-Off’ Risks Buying Property in Turkey

By mytapu webmaster

Follow the four steps to buy the 'MyTapu Way - Like a Local'... including legal checks and due diligence...
12.08.23 01:27 AM - Comment(s)
Legal Oversight Management- what is it, when to use it…

Legal Oversight Management- what is it, when to use it…

By mytapu webmaster

better managed by an experienced case management practitioner, to ensure the nitty gritty workload is managed efficiently, and cost effectively, with as little risk, as possible. This is ‘Legal Oversight Management’.
25.11.18 01:45 PM - Comment(s)

Property Purchase Disputes in Turkey- Re-claiming Reservation Deposits

By mytapu webmaster

it is often essential to use legal advisors that are not in, or near, the specific town or area where the property and dispute are located
26.10.17 10:08 PM - Comment(s)

Independent Legal Advice for Property Purchases in Turkey

By mytapu webmaster

Where to find unbiased professional legal guidance that does not suffer from conflicts of interest with local developers and agents etc?
26.10.17 10:00 PM - Comment(s)